1. We currently offer delivery in the United Arab Emirates only.
  2. A standard order takes 2-5 days to be delivered depending upon the location and delivery schedule.
  3. We do not provide same-day or next-day deliveries unless there are special circumstances (in case of less than average deliveries in our schedule).
  4. Customers can choose an estimated delivery date by selecting from the calendar in the My Cart Page, however, the exact date will be confirmed through SMS.
  5. We do not accept requests of adding additional products to an existing order once the order has been packed and kept ready for shipment.
  6. Our deliveries usually start from 3-4 pm and can be expected mostly in the late afternoon or evening. The customer can contact customer support to track their delivery status.
  7. Some regions of Abu Dhabi and Fujairah may not be covered in our delivery. 
  8. Customers will receive an order confirmation email on their provided email address and SMS on their mobile number to receive delivery date updates.
  9. Customers will be contacted through Call/SMS/WhatsApp via the provided number for delivery confirmation.
  10. A minimum order amount of AED 100 is required to qualify for an order. 
  11. All orders below AED 200 (excluding VAT) will require a shipping fee of AED 10.
  12. Order must be equal to or above AED 200 (excluding VAT) to qualify for Free Shipping.
  13. We accept payments from Cash on Delivery, Online Payments (Visa and Master Card), Tabby (online post-payment in 14 days), and Card Payment on Delivery for the orders.
  14. Customers must enter the mobile number and accurate details of their location to receive their delivery in time.
  15. Singarea does not use any 3rd Party Logistics. All orders will be fulfilled by Singarea’s own logistics team.


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